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FebruaryCommunity Newsletter 2.1.2025 - Spanish Version
February Community Newsletter 2.1.2025 - English Version
Accessibility Progress Report 1/1/2025

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Weld County School District No. RE-1 News

    Mar 14, 2025 · Weld County School District No. RE-1



  • Mar 7, 2024 · Weld County School District No. RE-1

    Actualización Importante sobre Consolidación Escolar

    6 de marzo de 2024

    Asunto: Actualización Importante sobre Consolidación Escolar

    Queridas familias vikingas

    En nombre de la Junta Directiva RE-1 del Distrito Escolar del Condado de Weld, le escribimos para abordar un asunto de gran importancia que ha estado en la mente de nuestra comunidad: la posibilidad de consolidar las dos escuelas intermedias y pasar el sexto grado a la primaria.

    Durante las últimas semanas, hemos escuchado inquietudes y sugerencias sobre la posible consolidación de nuestras escuelas, cómo continuar haciendo que nuestras escuelas sean ejemplares y fiscalmente responsables. Como ocurre con cualquier cambio, esto ha causado ansiedad e incertidumbre entre los padres, estudiantes y miembros de la comunidad. Queremos asegurarles que la junta ha considerado cuidadosamente todos los aspectos de este tema y ha llegado a una decisión.

    Después de una deliberación exhaustiva y de horas de sesiones de escucha, hemos decidido que no habrá consolidación escolar en nuestra comunidad en este momento.

    Continuaremos analizando esta opción y otras opciones para continuar haciendo lo mejor para nuestros estudiantes. Aún se producirán algunos cambios, como hacer coincidir nuestras necesidades de personal con el número de estudiantes. Reconocemos y agradecemos a la administración y al personal por aportar ideas y trabajar en la logística de las ideas presentadas. Nuestro compromiso de brindar una educación de calidad sigue siendo inquebrantable.

    En el futuro, continuaremos trabajando en colaboración con el personal y la comunidad, y esperamos poder continuar debatiendo con civismo y profesionalismo, para abordar cualquier desafío y explorar oportunidades de mejora dentro de nuestras escuelas. Sus aportes y participación son cruciales para el éxito de nuestro sistema educativo y lo alentamos a participar positivamente en futuras discusiones e iniciativas que den forma a nuestras escuelas.

    Juntos, podemos garantizar que nuestras escuelas continúen prosperando y brindando una educación segura y ejemplar en un ambiente propicio para el crecimiento académico y personal de nuestros estudiantes.

    Si tiene más preguntas o inquietudes, no dude en comunicarse con nosotros o con el ESC. Su voz importa y estamos aquí para escucharla.


    Sr. Ben Rainbolt Jr.

    Presidente de la junta escolar

    Mar 6, 2024 · Weld County School District No. RE-1

    Board Announcement

    March 6, 2024

    Subject: Important Update on School Consolidation

    Dear Viking Families

    On behalf of the Weld County School District RE-1 Board of Directors we are writing to address a matter of great significance that has been on the minds of our community: the possibility of consolidating the two middle schools and moving 6th grade to elementary.

    Over the past few weeks, we have heard concerns and suggestions regarding the potential consolidation of our schools, how to continue to make our schools exemplary, and to be fiscally responsible. As with any change, this has caused anxiety and uncertainty among parents, students, and community members. We want to assure you that the board has carefully considered all aspects of this issue and has come to a decision.

    After thorough deliberation, and hours of listening sessions, we have decided that there will be no school consolidation in our community at this time.

    We will continue to look at this option and other options to continue to do what is best for our students. Some change will still be happening such as matching our staffing needs to our student numbers. We recognize and thank the administration and staff in bringing ideas forward and working on logistics of the ideas presented. Our commitment to providing quality education remains unwavering.

    Moving forward, we will continue to work collaboratively with staff and community, and we hope we can continue to discuss with civility and professionalism, to address any challenges and explore opportunities for improvement within our schools. Your input and engagement are crucial to the success of our education system, and we encourage you to participate positively in future discussions and initiatives that shape our schools.

    Together, we can ensure that our schools continue to thrive and provide a safe and exemplary education in a nurturing environment for the academic and personal growth of our students.

    If you have any further questions or concerns, please feel free to reach out to us or to the ESC. Your voice matters, and we are here to listen.


    Mr. Ben Rainbolt Jr.

    School Board president

    Feb 29, 2024 · Weld County School District No. RE-1

    PK-12 math curriculum adoption process / actualizaciones sobre el proceso de adopción del plan de estudios de matemáticas PK-12

    Dear Weld RE-1 Community,

    I hope this message finds you well. I am writing to share important updates regarding the PK-12 math curriculum adoption process. The committee has diligently reviewed various curriculum options for PK-12 Math Resources and has made a thoughtful decision based on careful consideration. The following resources will evaluated -McGraw Hill Reveal Math HMH Into Math, SAVVAS Envision Math, Great Minds Eureka Math2 (K - 8 and Algebra 1) and Eureka for (Algebra 2 and higher), CPM - College Preparatory Math, Bridges Mathematics

    The committee met on the following dates to thoroughly assess the available options:

    1. Friday, January 26th, 2024, from 8:00 am to 4:00 pm

    2. Thursday, February 1st, from 4:00 pm to 6:00 pm

    3. Tuesday, February 6th, from 4:00 pm to 6:00 pm

    After evaluating the pros and cons of each vendor, engaging in team discussions, and using a protocol to review pros and cons and narrow our decision, the top choice was Houghton Mifflin Into Math for K-8 and McGraw Hill for Algebra 1, Algebra 2, Geometry, and Statistics. The second choice was Bridges for K-5 and College Preparatory Mathematics for 6th-12th grade, an inquiry-based mathematical program.

    All companies were bid out with similar costs for 6 and 7-year licenses. The decision is to recommend to the Board of Education the use of INTO Mathematics for K-8, which offers a robust core curriculum in both digital and hard copy formats. The system includes the core curriculum resource, Intervention for K-2 Waggle Math and 3rd-8th grade Math 180, math acceleration and differentiation resources. Houghton Mifflin has also acquired the NWEA MAPS assessment, and our district will be transitioning to NWEA for reading and mathematics. PK will adopt a stand alone PK resource through Bridges, which is not part of their new edition and fits with their center based learning classrooms.

    The decision to not choose Bridges and College Preparatory Mathematics was based on extensive conversations with the vendors. Issues included PK not being included in the new edition, need for extensive professional learning in inquiry-based learning and differentiated instruction for our teachers to be successful. In addition, Bridges recommended a phased in approach due to the inquiry based programming and learning needed and College Preparatory Mathematics did not have an intervention program. Both programs would have a significant teacher learning curve and preparation team each week to implement.

    I will be presenting the materials reviewed, the process, and the final recommendation to the Board of Education during the March 6th work session. The final approval to move forward will go before the board on the consent agenda is scheduled for March 20th, allowing us to purchase the materials promptly and begin implementing them in our schools. Concurrently, we will prepare for professional learning in the curriculum resources and new assessment systems.

    If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to reach out to me directly at or my cell at 720-220-8970. If you would like to review any of the materials I have them all in the Board of Education room and will be posted over the next two weeks. In addition, I will send a notice to families once I have this email translated in Spanish

    Thank you for your continued dedication and collaboration as we implement these new core curriculum resources, intervention and advanced learning modules and NWEA MAPS for reading and mathematics.

    Best regards,

    Kim Bloemen

    Assistant Superintendent

    SPANISH Version

    Estimada Comunidad de Weld RE-1,

    Espero que este mensaje les encuentre bien. Les escribo para compartir importantes actualizaciones sobre el proceso de adopción del plan de estudios de matemáticas PK-12. El comité ha revisado diligentemente varias opciones de plan de estudios para Recursos de Matemáticas PK-12 y ha tomado una decisión reflexiva basada en una cuidadosa consideración. Los recursos evaluados son McGraw Hill Reveal Math, HMH Into Math, SAVVAS Envision Math, Great Minds Eureka Math2 (K - 8 y Álgebra 1) y Eureka para (Álgebra 2 y superior), CPM - Matemáticas Preparatorias Universitarias, Matemáticas de Bridges.

    El comité se reunió en las siguientes fechas para evaluar minuciosamente las opciones disponibles:

    1. Viernes, 26 de enero de 2024, de 8:00 am a 4:00 pm

    2. Jueves, 1 de febrero, de 4:00 pm a 6:00 pm

    3. Martes, 6 de febrero, de 4:00 pm a 6:00 pm

    Después de evaluar los pros y los contras de cada proveedor, participar en discusiones en equipo y usar un protocolo para revisar pros y contras y estrechar nuestra decisión, la primera opción fue "Houghton Mifflin Into Math" para K-8 y McGraw Hill para Álgebra 1, Álgebra 2, Geometría y Estadísticas. La segunda opción fue "Bridges" para K-5 y Matemáticas Preparatorias Universitarias para 6º-12º grado, un programa matemático basado en la indagación.

    Todas las empresas se licitaron con costos similares para licencias de 6 y 7 años. La decisión es recomendar a la Junta de Educación el uso de "INTO Mathematics" para K-8, que ofrece un currículo central sólido en formatos tanto digitales como impresos. El sistema incluye el recurso de currículo central, Intervención para "Waggle Math" de K-2 y Math 180 de 3º a 8º grado, recursos de aceleración y diferenciación matemática. Houghton Mifflin también ha adquirido la evaluación NWEA MAPS, y nuestro distrito hará la transición a NWEA para lectura y matemáticas. PK adoptará un recurso independiente de PK a través de "Bridges", que no forma parte de su nueva edición y se adapta a sus aulas de aprendizaje basado en centros.

    La decisión de no elegir "Bridges" y Matemáticas Preparatorias Universitarias se basó en conversaciones extensas con los proveedores. Los problemas incluyeron que PK no estaba incluido en la nueva edición, la necesidad de un aprendizaje profesional extenso en el aprendizaje basado en la investigación y la instrucción diferenciada para que nuestros maestros tengan éxito. Además, "Bridges" recomendó un enfoque gradual debido a la programación y el aprendizaje basados en la indagación necesarios, y Matemáticas Preparatorias Universitarias no tenía un programa de intervención. Ambos programas tendrían una curva de aprendizaje significativa para los maestros y el equipo de preparación cada semana para implementarlos.

    Presentaré los materiales revisados, el proceso y la recomendación final ante la Junta de Educación durante la sesión de trabajo del 6 de marzo. La aprobación final para avanzar será presentada ante la junta en la agenda de consentimiento programada para el 20 de marzo, lo que nos permitirá comprar los materiales rápidamente y comenzar a implementarlos en nuestras escuelas. Concurrentemente, nos prepararemos para el aprendizaje profesional en los recursos del currículo y los nuevos sistemas de evaluación.

    Si tienen alguna pregunta o inquietud, no duden en comunicarse conmigo directamente a Si desean revisar alguno de los materiales, los tengo todos en la sala de la Junta de Educación y serán publicados durante las próximas dos semanas. Además, enviaré un aviso a las familias una vez que haya traducido este correo electrónico al español.

    Gracias por su dedicación y colaboración continuas mientras implementamos estos nuevos recursos del currículo básico, intervenciones y módulos de aprendizaje avanzado, y NWEA MAPS para lectura y matemáticas.


    Kim Bloemen

    Assistant Superintendent

    Feb 28, 2024 · Weld County School District No. RE-1

    Cream And Red Illustrative Trivia Night / NOCHE DE TRIVIA

    Feb 8, 2024 · Weld County School District No. RE-1

    Attention community members

    There will be more than 2 board of education directors attending the community meeting tonight in Platteville and we must notify the community when that happens. It’s not a board meeting and no board action will be taken.

    Feb 7, 2024 · Weld County School District No. RE-1

    Community Roundtable / Mesa Redonda Comunitaria

    Click here to view the Flyer / Haga clic aquí para ver el folleto

    Community Roundtable / Mesa Redonda Comunitaria

    Wednesday February 14th

    at 6:00 pm

    North Valley Middle School Library

    Miércoles 14 de febrero

    a las 6:00 pm

    Biblioteca de la escuela secundaria North Valley

    Feb 2, 2024 · Weld County School District No. RE-1

    Colorado Department of Education : Transportation Task Force surveys

    Letter to district regarding Transportation Task Force include link to surveys

    Click to view the Letter

Weld County RE-1 Events

March 2025


Austin Moya and Alberto Valles standing in front of a mural that is black with wings and a shield with the text "let's go Valley"
Nation CollegeBoard Hispanic Recognition

Two of our amazing students, Austin Moya and Alberto Valles, have received the Nation CollegeBoard Hispanic Recognition! They're in the top 10% of SAT test-takers and have a GPA of 3.3 or higher. Our first-generation Hispanic/Latino students are making history with their incredible achievements. We're so proud!

Team Seniors
Powderpuff 2024-2025
students at the La Salle Day parade.
VHS Athletics


    Translation Services are Available in 240 languages.

    Please visit the main office at any of our buildings for assistance.

    Title VI & VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964

    Title IX

    Title IX is a comprehensive federal law that prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex in any federally funded education program or activity.

    Regardless of whether sexual harassment (that includes sexual violence) occurs at school, Title IX obligates school districts to address any impact of that conduct on students that interferes with their ability to access their education. This means that schools must provide students with their Title IX rights and the contact information for adults at school who can respond to allegations of misconduct and put in place interim remedies to support impacted students. If students experience harassment or retaliation resulting from the exercise of their Title IX rights, then schools are legally obligated to take action to stop it from recurring.

    In terms of Title IX investigations, the School District is obligated to investigate and take action to stop misconduct that is impacting students at school, but there is not a strict timeline for such investigations. When the same allegations are being investigated by law enforcement, then the School District wants to minimize potential trauma for students by using information from law enforcement's investigation as much as possible. Most often, we do this by, among other things, using information in police reports, juvenile petitions, and information shared by the DA’s office as the substantive information for the School District’s Title IX investigation while also providing due process to the involved parties as required by the U.S. Department of Education rules and regulations governing school districts. While law enforcement investigations and any related legal proceedings are being conducted, the School District’s focus is on providing interim remedies to support students. Brian Childress Director of Safety Weld County School District RE-1, 14827 W.C.R. 42, P.O. Box 157 Gilcrest, Colorado 80623, 970-350-4200,

    Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) version 2.1, level AA criteria.

    Weld RE1 Technology Accessibility Statement Weld RE1 School District is committed to providing equitable access to our services to all Coloradans. Our ongoing accessibility effort works towards being in line with the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) version 2.1, level AA criteria. These guidelines not only help make technology accessible to users with sensory, cognitive, and mobility disabilities but ultimately to all users, regardless of ability. Our efforts are just part of a meaningful change in making all State of Colorado services inclusive and accessible. We welcome comments on how to improve our technology’s accessibility for users with disabilities and requests for accommodations to any State of Colorado services. We welcome your feedback about the accessibility of Weld RE1 online services. Please let us know if you encounter accessibility barriers. OIT is committed to responding within 2 business days. Phone: 970-350-4163 E-mail:

    Weld RE-1 Accessibility page

    Updated This Accessibility Conformance Statement was last updated on: 1/1/2025

    District 504 coordinator

    Angie McDonald, Director of Student Services, has been identified as the District 504 coordinator. Questions about 504's or the 504 processes should be addressed to her at 14827 W.C.R. 42, Gilcrest CO 80623, 970-350-4216