
  • Advanced Learning Plan(ALP)- An ALP is--in short--an educational plan to guide a gifted student in his/her path of learning. The concept should support the student in what he/she wants to learn, how he/she wants to learn it, and what may present a challenge and spark excited, engaged learning to the gifted student.

  • Social/ Emotional

CBOCES contact information - Dr. Nicole Jackson, (970)-35-7404 ext.1184

CBOCES Gifted and talented

Weld RE1 contact information - Angie McDonald, Director of Student Services, (970)350-4216

Student with a chalkboard background with a light bulb that is "on" drawn on top of the students head.

Files & Folders

Flyer-English (1).png
flyer-Spanish (1).png
GT Handbook Revisions (Spanish version)
GT Manual para Padres .pdf
GT Parent Handbook.docx
GT Referral Form (2024)

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