
CDE School Counselors

American School Counselor Association (ASCA) Standards-                                    ** ASCA Counseling Standards

Counselors can: Improve academic performance- Students who participate in SEL programs may see an increase in their grades and attendance. Research from CASEL (Collaborative for Academic, Social and Emotional Skills) found that students who participated in SEL interventions saw an 11 percentile increase in their academic performance, and years later their performance was still an average of 13 percentile points higher than students who didn't participate. Develop workplace readiness skills programs can help students develop skills like relationship-building, problem-solving, and collaboration that are highly sought after in the workforce. Build social and emotional skills- SEL programs can help students learn to manage their emotions, cope with stress, and avoid peer pressure. They can also help students develop empathy, communicate well, and get along with others.


Elementary - Second Step

Secondary - 7 Mindsets

Image from 7 mindsets