Section 504 - Section 504 expressly mandates that public schools make accommodations to ensure that students with disabilities are able to receive the same learning experience as their peers. Section 504 is a federal law, and as such all states must comply with the same set of rules. See your School Administration or School Counselor for more information.
Weld RE1 Center Based Programs-
Pete Mirich Elementary School- Significant Support Needs (SSN) Students with significant support needs are highly diverse learners with extensive needs in the areas of cognition and/or learning, communication, movement, and social/emotional abilities. The individual may also have concurrent health, sensory, physical, and/or behavioral disabilities. Students with significant support needs require: 1. A wide variety of approaches and supports to demonstrate their knowledge and skills 2. intensive instruction in literacy, numeracy, and problem-solving skills in order to acquire and generalize knowledge 3. substantial adaptations (modifications and accommodations) and/or ongoing supports in order to access grade-level curriculum 4. access to assistive technology tools to communicate, learn, and demonstrate their knowledge 5. progress to be measured by observation, data collection, assessment, and work samples 6. individualized levels of support across major life activities in the home, school, and community.
Platteville Elementary School- Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)Gilcrest Elementary School- Serious Emotional Disability (SED)
**North Valley Middle School, South Valley Middle School, and Valley High School support all students on an IEP in a center-based program. **
CBOCES SPED Jocelyn Aldridge, (970)352-7404 CDE Link CDE Office of Special EducationSpecific Learning Disabilities Guidelines Specific Learning Disabilities GuidebookWeld RE1 contact information