

I’m Kim Bloemen, and I am honored to serve as the new Interim Superintendent of Schools for Weld RE-1. With three decades of experience in various educational leadership roles, I am deeply committed to fostering a culture of academic excellence in our district. My journey in education has been driven by a passion for creating equitable and supportive learning environments where every student can succeed.

Before stepping into the role of Superintendent, I had the privilege of serving as the Assistant Superintendent in Weld RE-1 for the 23-24 school year. During my tenure, I was responsible for hiring and supervising our school principals, leading the implementation of standards-based learning, and overseeing the development of unified improvement plans across the district. I also managed our curriculum, instruction, assessment, professional development, coordinated educator induction and mentoring, and preschool programming. These experiences have equipped me with a comprehensive understanding of our district’s needs and challenges, as well as the opportunities we have to enhance educational outcomes for all students.

From July 2013 to 2023, I served as the Executive Director of PK-3rd Grade Instruction, where I led initiatives to innovate and align curriculum and assessment practices in early childhood and elementary education. Working in partnership with the University of Virginia's Partnership for Leaders in Education, I helped drive instructional improvements and strategic planning efforts across the district. My focus on developing educator effectiveness programs and fostering professional development has been key in ensuring our teachers are well-equipped to support our students’ diverse needs.

In addition to my administrative roles, I have been an Adjunct Instructor/Professor with the Colorado Community College System since August 2018. I have enjoyed teaching and mentoring adult learners in education and career and technical education, adapting to various teaching modalities, including in-person, hybrid, and remote instruction. This experience has provided me with valuable insights into the evolving landscape of education and the importance of lifelong learning.

Earlier in my career, I served as an Elementary Principal at several schools, where I led efforts to implement competency-based instructional systems, data-driven decision-making processes, and collaborative teaching models. These initiatives significantly improved student achievement and school performance, reinforcing my belief in the power of innovative educational practices.

I hold an Educational Specialist (ED.S) in Educational Leadership from the University of Denver, where I earned my principal and superintendent licensure. In addition, I have a Master of Arts in Early Childhood Special Education from the University of Colorado at Denver, and a Bachelor of Science in Human Development and Early Childhood/Elementary Education from the University of Nebraska at Lincoln. 

As your Superintendent, I am committed to engaging with students, educators, families, and the community to create an inclusive and high-quality educational environment where every student can thrive. I look forward to collaborating with all stakeholders to achieve our district’s vision and strategic plan and setting measurable goals for the next five years, in order to provide an education that prepares our students for success in a rapidly changing world.

I am an active member of several national educational organizations, including the National Association of Elementary School Principals (NAESP), Learning Forward, and the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC). Additionally, I serve on various local advisory councils and task forces, contributing to state-wide educational initiatives and community development projects.

I am excited to work together with each of you to build a brighter future for our community and to ensure that every student in Weld RE-1 receives the education they deserve. Thank you for the opportunity to serve as your Interim Superintendent, and I look forward to the incredible work we will accomplish together. I look forward to hearing from you in the near future. I can be reached at 970-350-4201 or bloemenk@wcsdre1.org

Warm Regards,

Kim Bloemen Interim Superintendent

Interim Superintendent, Kim Bloemen